The Management Consumer Behavior (MCB) research group investigates consumer decision making and behavior.
By providing new insights on psychological processes underlying consumption, the Consumer Behavior team members advance knowledge that helps companies, policy-makers, and consumers make better decisions.
Our researchers have developed specific expertise in the areas of consumer intentional and automatic information and sensory processing, food consumption and social marketing.
The group
Mai Robert, Leader
Permanent Faculty
Balbo Laurie
Cuny Caroline
Faure Corinne
Garnier Marion
Li Charis
Meng Yan
Mookherjee Satadruta
Pruski Yamim Amanda
Schumacher Anika
Trendel Olivier
Werle Carolina
PhD Students
Majumder Rajarshi
Masoumzadeh Mona
Muzi Davide
Rademacher Luise
Shaikh Sumayya
Updated 4/18/2024