étudiants - students Grenoble Ecole de Management


An EESC (Etablissement d'Enseignement Supérieur Consulaire) affiliated to the Grenoble Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) is accredited by the 3 major international bodies, as well as by various French entities.

International Accreditations

triple accreditations, GEM

  • EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System)
  • AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business)
  • AMBA (The Association of MBAs)


 These three accreditations are international recognitions of the quality of the organization, its programs and the degrees it delivers. They provide an independent assessment of the quality of the school's organizational processes, ensuring that the content and quality of the programs delivered satisfy established international standards. 

For students, accreditation …  

  • Ensures that the school's programs are constantly updated to follow the changes and meet the needs of the business world.
  • Attests that the school's programs are delivered by a qualified faculty.
  • Guarantees that the degrees delivered by the school are internationally recognized and meet international standards.

For business, accreditation...

  • Justifies the quality of the degree delivered by the School. It confirms that to recruit a graduate from the school is to recruit top talent.
  • Guarantees that the course of study followed by a graduate is adapted to the needs of today's complex business environment.
  • Demonstrates that the school's programs are current and reflect changes in knowledge and practices generally accepted in the management education community

For alumni, accreditation… 

  • Affirms the value of the school's degrees at a time when the market risks saturation. 
  • Represents a commitment of the program and the institution to quality and continuous improvement.  




Quality certification for education providers. The "Qualiopi" certification is issued by certifying bodies accredited or authorized by the French Accreditation Committee (Cofrac) based on national quality standards. It aims to: certify the quality of the process implemented by the education providers contributing to the development of skills; allow greater visibility of the training offer for companies and private users.

Logo Qualiopi

La certification qualité a été délivrée au titre des catégories d’actions suivantes :

  • Actions de formation
  • Actions permettant de valider les acquis de l’expérience
  • Actions de formation par apprentissage. 


Logo CEFDGThe CEFDG's (Commission for the evaluation of management courses and diplomas) mission is to organize quality control procedures for higher education in business and management with a view to constructing a common European Higher Education area. It also examines the evolution of higher education in the field of management in line with the overall system of existing higher education.



Logo Datadock.We are referenced in Datadock, a unique database that focuses on high-quality educational institutions. Datadock was created by equal access funding organizations for professional & education programs. As a result, GEM offers future students the chance to participate in certified & funded training programs  (RNCP, RSCH, etc.) that meet all criteria for educational and institutional excellence. 

France compétences 

The mission of France compétences is to ensure the funding, regulation, control and evaluation of France's professional and educational system. The organization is notably responsible for guaranteeing the relevance of professional certificates in line with the demands of the economy. France compétences registers and updates all certificates recorded in the French national directory for professional certificates (Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles - RNCP) and the Specific directory for certification and authorization (Répertoire spécifique des certifications et des habilitations - RSCH).  
Grenoble Ecole de Management has 11 level 6 and 7 certifications recorded in the RNCP, and 4 programs recorded in the RSCH

Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE)

 Logo de la Conférence des Grandes Ecoles.Founded in 1973, the CGE is an association that unites 229 "Grandes écoles" (schools for engineering, management, architecture, design, political science…) recognized by the government and capable of delivering a master's level degree. One of the CGE's missions is to provide certification for its member institutions. The association ensures that members respect its fundamental principles (excellence, employability, international reach, educational certification…) and guarantees the quality of their programs.  
GEM's CGE accredited programs include 6 Advanced Master's. 

DD&RS: the Sustainable Development Label for Higher Education Institutions 

Logo du label Développement Durable des Etablissements d'Enseignement supérieur.The DD&RS Label – Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility – was created for Higher Education in 2015. It is the result of the collective work of a dozen universities and top business schools, the “Conférence des Grandes Écoles” (CGE), the Conference of University Presidents (CPU), the Ministry in charge of sustainable development, as well as the Ministry of Higher Education and the Student Network for an Ecological and Solidarity Society (RESES). 


ʺWelcome to France" Label 

LOGO Bienvenue en France

In recognition of our policy of welcoming, training and supporting international students on our campuses in France, our School has received the "Welcome to France" label awarded by Campus France. This label, certified by the French government, is part of GEM's global quality approach.

Updated 12/14/2023