Laurie Balbo

Associate Professor



Before joining GEM, I was an Assistant (2012-2019) and then Associate (2019-…) Professor at Montpellier Business School. In April 2020, I was nominated at the Head of the Marketing, Communication and Sales department. During these last eight years, I taught Marketing (mainly Consumer Behavior and Market Research) and Data Analysis to undergraduate, postgraduate, MSc and MBA students. I also took part in several Executive Education trainings.

My doctoral research, defended in December 2011 aimed at answering the following research question: how to improve health communications effectiveness? In 2012, my doctoral thesis received the Association Française du Marketing (AFM) and the FNEGE (Fondation Nationale pour l’Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises) annual PhD award.

My research interests lie mainly in social marketing (public health communications) and social media marketing (advertising trough influencers and digital images). To carry out my research, I use various methods (quantitative and qualitative), including experiments, surveys, focus group and individual interviews.

I presented my research at main Marketing conferences such as the Annual Conferences of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR), the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) and the Association Française du Marketing (AFM) and published my work in ranked peer reviewed journal articles such as Recherche et Applications en Marketing, Food, Quality and Preferences, Décisions Marketing, Systèmes d'Information & Management.