The Energy Management (ENE) research group combines research on strategic management, technology innovation and energy policy in order to create and share knowledge that will help businesses and society move towards a low-carbon future.
Through research and research-based consulting, our team members continue to expand our expertise on energy efficiency issues such as corporate management, governance for low-carbon societies, innovations for clean energy technologies, and the factors and consequences of diffusing new energy technology.
Energy Power hours November 13, 2023 in details:
1mn10 – introduction (Mark Olsthoorn)
8m17 – Household energy efficiency behaviors and investments in Egypt : the role of energy & financial literacy (Mark Olsthoorn)
14mn55 – Are individuals willing to pay more to offset their carbon footprint if they learn about its magnitude? (Joachim Schleich)
23mn19 – Beyond the signal! Voluntary standards, external linkages & eco-innovation (Isabel Bodas Freitas)
27mn – On risk-sharing in local energy communities (Ibrahim Abada)
33mn10 – Energy community business models & their impact on the energy transition: lessons learnt from France (Anne-Lorène Vernay)
39mn40 – What is unique in sustainable business models for the BoP? (Eduardo Méndez Léon)
45mn40 – Evolution of water security across the globe: comparing weak & strong sustainability pathways (Thomas Bolognesi)
52mn35 – Motivated reasoning for onshore wind energy: quantifying and overcoming it (Valeria Fanghella)
58mn35 – Renewable hydrogen: towards critical energy modelling? (Julien Lafaille)
1h05mn – Questions from the audience
The group
Vernay Anne-Lorène, Leader
Permanent Faculty
Abada Ibrahim
Bodas-Freitas Isabel-Maria
Bolognesi Thomas
Fanghella Valeria
Guetlein Marie-Charlotte
Olsthoorn Mark
Schleich Joachim
Sebi Carine
Corentin Gariel
Adélie Ranville
PhD Students
Canfora Benedetta
Guo Xinyu
Lafaille Julien
Gonzalez Marcelo
Updated 1/13/2025