Image représentant les quais de Grenoble

Inclusive Sustainability Chair

The Inclusive Sustainability Chair aims to generate knowledge to analyze, envision, and experiment with new frameworks supporting territorial transformations for social and environmental sustainability.


The Territories in Transition Chair approaches sustainability from a territorial perspective for the following reasons:

  • Territories are key to understanding the changes linked to environmental degradation (air pollution, loss of biodiversity, scarcity of water resources, etc.) and the associated social consequences (inequalities, value chain uncertainties, undermining of existing business models, etc).
  • National sustainability policies are implemented at a territorial level with regards to air quality and climate, land artificialisation and the fight against environmental issues that require rapid action by all players.
  • Territories represent a key place of action and are essential for experimenting new strategies of sustainability, newly developed frames of reference and new models for organizing activities.
  • The goal of our multi-partner Territories in Transition Chair is to produce knowledge which allows us to analyze, imagine and experiment new solutions to guide the transformation of territories in favor of social and environmental sustainability.

Research areas and contributors

How can we reinvent existing models to move towards new organizational models in which people and sustainability are at the core? To answer this question, the Chair is developing four lines of work in close collaboration with Grenoble Ecole de Management research teams.

1 New eco-responsible behaviors

  • Conduct regular surveys based on core issues, with a panel of several thousand residents of the Grenoble metropolitan area
  • Study the link between social practices and environmental issues.


2. New organizational models for transition


3. Experiential devices

  • Catalyst for territorial innovation (ZFE-ZAN)
  • Fabularium.


  • Delphine Gatti, Head of Innovation Programs GEM LABS
  • Hélène Michel, Professor of Management and Creativity

4. Transition of Mountain Territories

  • Tools for managing the transition of mountain resorts
  • Analysis of the controversies surrounding governance mechanisms and major investment projects.




Our partners, comprising public and private actors, social and solidarity economy organizations, and local associations, are rooted locally in the Grenoble region:

Algoé / Bouygues Immobilier / Grenoble-Alpes Métropole / la Ville de Grenoble / Fédération Léo Lagrange / Mutualité Française de l’Isère / Cluster Montagne / Département de l'Isère / Korus Group / Alpes Solidaires / Agence d’urbanisme de la région grenobloise/ Citiz / GAIA / La Péniche-La Turbine / Ronalpia.




Media Publications

Updated 1/13/2025