To be successful, the ecological transition requires profound changes in our society and, in particular, the large-scale deployment of clean, decentralized and locally embedded energy sources.
Certain aspects of the energy transition create societal tensions and increasingly effective resistance, as benefits and costs of new energy infrastructures are challenging to distribute equitably among stakeholders. New energy infrastructures must therefore include "desirability, feasibility and conditions of realization" (Patrick Jolivet, Director of Socio-Economic Studies at ADEME, 2022) into their business models and strategies.
Research cycle 2023-2026
Societal support for new energy infrastructures
The members of the Energy for Society Chair, in collaboration with the Chair Territoires en Transition, propose to undertake several new projects to develop the understanding of the determinants of societal support for the energy transition. Our methods test the effectiveness of new measures and business solutions providing both profitability and social support.
See the complete research program chair energy new infrastructure adoption 2023.
Project 1: Local support for clean energy infrastructure projects
Decentralizing energy production leads to multiple development projects, along with an increasing number of conflicts. This research project examines how the legitimacy of energy infrastructures is constructed, by analyzing textual representations found in newspapers and social media.
Project 2: Collaborative development of new business models including "desirability, feasibility and conditions of realization" in energy infrastructure projects
The energy transition is contingent on the deployment of energy production infrastructure, itself based on a new approach to land and urban planning. This new approach requires imaginative, novel models combining technical and economic performance, along with desirability and a sense of ownership by infrastructure users and citizens at large. The aim of this research project is to identify these new models, test them in a lab (with students), then in the field.
Project 3: Financial incentives, nudges: how can they influence societal support for energy infrastructures?
Nudges and financial incentives are increasingly used to support household energy efficiency behaviours. This project aims to assess the effectiveness of such measures on citizens’ support for energy infrastructure projects, and climate-related actions in general.
Research cycle 2019-2022
Innovative energy strategies and services
Project 1: The co-creation of new innovative energy services: the case of hydrogen cooperation between companies to create new innovative energy services
To make a success of the energy transition, it is necessary to take into account all the interests and constraints of stakeholders, i.e. society in general. Each stakeholder must have a specific role and place, and the pivotal player(s) is (are) the one(s) who will unite all these stakeholders around an energy transition project. The aim of this research is to study the role played by the pivotal player and the different organizational models that emerge from it. Through case studies, the Chair analyzes these new models of cooperation and seeks to identify how a group of heterogeneous partners (public or private, competing or complementary) can successfully co-create new, innovative energy services. Read more : Tomorrow's energy services: between collaboration and co-creation
Project 2: Energy renovation: a major challenge for the energy transition
Energy renovation is a major challenge for the energy transition in France and Europe. For over ten years, dedicated programs have been aimed at speeding up energy renovation work, but results have been slow in coming. How can we change practices and ensure that the difficulties encountered do not kill off the real potential for energy savings and greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions? The aim of this research is to test new services that could speed up the energy renovation process in the case of a private condominium building. Read : Adapting energy services to new consumer aspirations: energy renovation in condominiums
Energy communities
Thanks to research and research-based consulting, the faculty members of the Energy Management Research Team at GEM contribute to expanding our expertise in energy-related issues.
Funded projects have led to scientific publications resulting from collaborative research, the findings of which are of interest to decision-makers and stakeholders in energy policies. This includes research on energy communities published in international journals such as 'Energy Policy' and 'Ecological Economics.'
- Business models and the impact of energy communities on the energy transition: lessons learned from the case of France
- Citizen Energy Communities in France: Current Status and Way Forward
Sponsors and partners
Pedagogical activities related to the Chair
Carbon neutrality in 2050
Describe the day of a character of your choice in a carbon-neutral society in 2050? This was the unusual exercise proposed to the students of Grenoble Ecole de Management to help them better understand the issues and challenges of climate change. The Energy for Society Chair has published a selection in an ebook and invites you to dive into their imaginary world!
Read more about carbon neutrality in 2050
2024 Booklet Carbon neutrality
2023 Booklet Carbon neutrality
MSc Energy Business & Climate Change
For the start of the 2024 academic year, GEM is launching a new MSc Energy Business & Climate Change program in partnership with the Energy for Society Chair.
Advanced Master in Energy Transition Marketing and Management
Co-certified with Grenoble INP-Ense3, this program aims to train managers specializing in the energy transition sector and markets, both for suppliers and major customers.
Prof. Carine Sebi, Associate Professor of Economics
Associated researchers
- Frédéric Bally, Assistant Professor, KEDGE Business School
- Thibault Daudigeos, Full Professor of Management
- Valeria Fanghella, Assistant Professor of Economics and Management
- Marie-Charlotte Guetlein, Assistant Professor of Economics
- Nuria Moratal, Senior Lecturer in Management Sciences, University of Nantes
- Joachim Schleich, Full Professor of Economics
- Anne-Lorène Vernay, Associate Professor of Strategic Management
With the Energy Management research team
Media Publications
- Preferences for thermal retrofits in condominiums: A discrete choice experiment with landlords and owner-occupiers in France – Analysis by Valeria Fanghella, Marie-Charlotte Guetlein, Joachim Schleich and Carine Sebi – TV Uvigo - 9th Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics 2022
- Grenoble, European Green Capital 2022 – Analysis by Carine Sebi and Thibault Daudigeos – GIANT Review – Winter 2021 / 2022, pp.18-19.
- We need to talk about Chinese and US influence in Europe’s energy industry - The Conversation - 7 Mai 2024
Updated 2/5/2025