Une ronde de personnages dans une mains

Our Commitments

Aware of the need for business schools to move beyond their original fields, our school wishes to pave the way for this necessary collective change. Our ambition is to provide economic and social answers to real issues that will impact the future of generations to come.

Ethics and integrity | Gender equality | Education for all | Economic peace | Climate change

Because we couldn't train future generations without social and environmental responsibility, our commitment is real and determined: since 2008, GEM has made a public commitment to the UN within the framework of the Global Compact and PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) to promote these principles of social and global responsibility.

Today, we're going even further with our Zero Waste program.
A company with a mission since 2021, our raison d'être is to provide answers, through training and research, to the major challenges of ecological, societal and economic transition, and to contribute to a more resilient, fairer, more peaceful and more responsible world. Our
values are responsibility, high standards and benevolence.

As an institution, it is committed to 5 causes:

  • Ethics and integrity of internal stakeholders
  • Gender equality
  • Education for all - equal opportunities
  • Economic peace
  • Fighting global warming

In line with its 2020-2025 strategic plan and these five causes, GEM invites its stakeholders to sign the GEM Manifesto for a Sustainable Future, and commit themselves to a real ecological, economic and social transformation.


Ethics and integrity of internal stakeholders

Because we have a duty to set an example, because what we say must be in line with what we do, we are committed to this ambition: to do everything in our power to guarantee the ethics and integrity of our learners and employees.

Gender equality

Gender equality at Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) is one of the school's strategic priorities: with its students, during their studies, but also so that they can become leaders in their field. We work alongside our employees to ensure that everyone can play an active role in building and ensuring respect for equality at GEM, but also with as many people as possible, disseminating the results of the School's work, raising awareness and mobilizing citizens and decision-makers alike.
Etudiants - Students Grenoble Ecole de Management

Education for all, equal opportunities

Deeply aware that innovation and diversity are intimately linked, Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) has diversity in its DNA. The various measures and initiatives we have put in place testify to our determination to promote a diversity of profiles when students join GEM, to enable each and every one of them to enjoy a peaceful education on our campuses, and to ensure equal opportunities when they leave, for quality professional integration that matches the ambitions of our students.

Economic peace

Grenoble Ecole de Management is developing a culture of economic peace through its UNESCO Chair, where students, researchers and social players co-construct knowledge, skills and methodologies to invent tomorrow's economy and propose models for peaceful relations between individuals, organizations and the living world.

Climate change: a zero-waste school

As an extension of our CSR policy pursued for over ten years, we have set ourselves a new objective: to become Europe's first Zero Waste business school.

Updated 8/29/2024