Deeply aware that innovation and diversity are intimately linked, Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) has diversity in its DNA. The various measures and initiatives we have put in place testify to our determination to promote a diversity of profiles when students join GEM, to enable each and every one of them to enjoy a peaceful education on our campuses, and to ensure equal opportunities when they leave, for quality professional integration that matches the ambitions of our students.
Help with financing studies
Based on the fact that 47% of our students finance their studies with a bank loan, and 11% have been refused at least one loan, we created GEM Financial Advisor, a chatbot designed to improve study financing for our students.
Adapt to the diversity of living situations
Accommodations are designed to make students' schooling compatible with his life situation: students with disabilities (physical health, mental health, neurodiversity), student carers, sports students or high-level artists.
- Disability
GEM addresses the issue of disability right from the post-baccalaureate Diversity entrance exam, by offering a specific recruitment procedure. Once integrated into the school, students with disabilities benefit from the necessary accommodations and support throughout their studies, right up to their first job.
Because inclusion doesn't stop at the school gates, GEM is offering a Management and Disability Certificate to raise students' awareness of disability and help them become future managers, citizens and informed professionals.
- Top-level athletes
Drawing on our experience in differentiated pedagogy, our Sport & Management Institute has built up a unique range of training courses, designed and developed for top-level athletes.
- Student carers
The School pays close attention to students who are accompanying a loved one who needs human assistance, which can make it difficult to succeed in their studies. Recognition of the status of student carer, accommodation, information on access to grants and local resources are known and offered.
Social openness
GEM promotes access to its programs for students from economic, geographic, cultural or social backgrounds that are far removed from higher education. Since 2015, the School has had a Diversity post-baccalaureate entrance exam offered in partnership with Article1, and opens its doors to winners of the Institut de l'Engagement.
Students receive support throughout their studies, right up to their first job.
Since 2015, GEM has been supporting refugees through the "GEM Refugee Grant Program". Up to 10 places per year are reserved in the School's training programs for qualified students with "refugee" status. This program is deployed in collaboration with the Grenoble Alpes University Community, which is leading the working group.
Other organizations and associations (CROUS, RUSF, ADATE, ADA or APARDAP) also welcome and support students. This cooperation takes the form of a hub, unique in France, which lists the partners' training programs. In 2019, the School was awarded a Trophée campus responsable in the "Positive impact on society" category for this initiative.
Updated 8/29/2024