Grenoble Ecole de Management

Funded projects

Partnership research focuses on collaborations between different types of players, fostering the joint development of innovative funded projects.

Grenoble research panel | Transition barometer


Managed by the Funded Projects cluster, financed collaborative projects bring together several partners - public and private, academic, industrial and institutional - to work together on one or more given themes. Each partner contributes according to its own expertise. In particular, these projects enable faster access to exploitable results through a wider range of skills, network development through risk-sharing, and financial support.


Current projects


ANR Nano Elec.JPGMulti-annual - PIA/ANR
The IRT Nanoelec conducts a program of technological development and dissemination in the information and communication technologies sector, for the direct benefit of companies, particularly SMEs / ETIs, in all sectors.

Entrepreneurial Management for Fostering Innovation and Talents

Logo Horizon 202001/01/2020 - 30/09/2025 - UE H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019
EM4FIT aims to better understand entrepreneurial management practices both from an individual (intra-organisational) as well as comparative market perspective (inter- organisational). Research will be carried out with an emphasis on the impact of institutions and context on the EU. With the exchange among 16 partners from four continents and between the academic and non-academic sector, EM4FIT brings together knowledge from advanced as well as emerging markets to further understand how entrepreneurs and managers create successful businesses and foster growth. The generated knowledge will be disseminated around the world to enhance the impact of the European entrepreneurial spirit.

Smart Energy Systems Campus: towards zero-carbon transition

Logos Investir l'Avenir23/09/2020 - 22/09/2026
PIA 3 territories of pedagogical innovation / Campus des métiers et des qualifications
This project aims to anticipate new skills needs and new learning methods for multi-energy and digital transition professions.
Built around a sector of activity that corresponds to the challenges facing society at national and regional level, the Campus contributes to the economic development of the region and the competitiveness of new industrial sectors. These privileged links with training structures (public/private) make it easier to welcome learners into the company (initial and continuing training).

Backed by a network of over thirty partners in Grenoble and the Voironnais region (secondary and higher education establishments, research structures, companies, local authorities, competitiveness clusters), the campus aims to be the gateway to a continuum of initial and continuing training courses, from CAP to PhD, in the fields of excellence of the energy transition.

ETIC: Effects of Digital Images on Consumers

Logo ANR01/10/2021 - 30/09/2025
The ETIC project (EffeTs des Images digitales sur les Consommateurs) studies the negative influences on individuals of digital advertising and promotional images. Individuals are analyzed in their dual hypostasis, as consumers of images on screens and as distributors of images on social networks. The aim is to analyze the consequences of marketing strategies (attractive and distracting power of images, personification, repeated exposure) on cognitive costs and psychological defense mechanisms, problem behaviors, negatively charged emotions and other psychological disorders. The project's originality lies in the analysis of correspondences and divergences in strategies between marketing professionals and Internet users who engage in self-promotion on social networks. The aim of the project is to define recommendations for reducing these negative effects in particular, through awareness-raising initiatives.

Transition Barometer

Logo Ademe

20/12/2021 - 19/06/2025
The aim of the Transitions Barometer is to find out about the practices, behaviors and representations of Grenoble's residents with regard to social issues, to enable institutions to take more effective action in terms of environmental policies and local public action. Find out more about the Transitions Barometer



EpilepsyPOWER: Epilepsy People inclusion Overcoming Workplaces European marginalization

Logo Erasmus01/02/2022 - 31/01/2025 
The ambitious objectives of EpilepsyPOWER project aim at improving people with epilepsy (PwE) opportunities of inclusion in the job market. Project's target groups are on one hand - people with epilepsy and on the other hand - HEI's staff and end-users: professors, university staff, placement officers, students, entrepreneurs/managers attending MBA/Executive courses, adult people employed in organizations, recruiters, HR experts and recruitment agencies.
To achieve its objective, the consortium will develop five project results: Operational framework and learning methodology, integrated online platform for digital integrated learning multilevel cooperation and resources sharing, collaborative labs for best practices, learning contents and classroom guidelines and assessment online tool and epilepsy label.


Logo ANR01/03/2023-31/08/2025 - Further information 
Cross-sector partnerships (CSPs) have emerged as an important means to address pressing societal challenges: based on the collaboration across business, public, and civil society sectors, CSPs are expected to enable greater social effectiveness (i.e. addressing the social challenge and fostering positive societal impact) than unilateral or intra-sector actions. While previous studies in management research have examined the challenge of aligning diverse partner interests and ways of working in CSPs, insights into their social effectiveness remain surprisingly scarce. Initial evidence however suggests that CSPs do not necessarily live up to their potential, such as by failing to deliver on their targeted goals or by provoking beneficiary dependence. 
Read more about ANR Cross-PASSE 


ANR France 2030.JPG01/07/2023 – 30/06/2028
Launched in December 2021, the Skills and Jobs of the Future call for expressions of interest (AMI CMA) aims to "accelerate the adaptation of training to the needs and skills of new sectors and professions of the future". Its aim is to identify training projects in line with the national strategic priorities of France 2030 (green hydrogen and renewable energies, decarbonisation of industry, food and agriculture, health, digital technologies, artificial intelligence, etc.). Two types of project can be developed in this context: diagnostics of training needs and training schemes.
The ambition of the IBES project (ANR-23-CMAS-0009) is to develop a comprehensive training pathway leading to all biomanufacturing professions, enabling the sector's future industrial needs to be met as closely as possible.

ANR MAKERS - Makers activity in alternative organisations: prototype, Territory, Design

Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) 01/02/2024 – 31/01/2028
This collaborative research project (PRC) involves multi-disciplinarity in SHS (ergonomics, sociology, management, urban planning and territory) in partnership with SPI (industrial engineering, eco-design). The research team has already worked together, this project being in continuity with the ORCILAB project, which had shown that it was difficult for fablabs and manufacturers to come together around innovation projects. The MAKERS project (ANR-23-CE10-0013-02) aims to understand the activity of makers, considering them as 'designers' within alternative production organisations.

Horizon Europe DIGI ME – DIGital skills for transformative Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship

Horizon Europe HaDEA.JPG01/02/2024 – 31/01/2028 
The aim of the DIGI-ME project is to develop a community of digitally literate European leaders, provide high-quality personalised education within a broad European ecosystem, offer single, double or multiple degree programmes in a variety of fields, promote collaboration between different EU higher education institutions and provide students with knowledge in key digital technologies, such as AI, generative AI, augmented intelligence, digital twin, blockchain, data analytics and IoT.
DIGI-ME's educational model is based on the concept of personalised learning: students will benefit from a pre-assessment of digital skills and a psychological characterisation to personalise a unique learning experience.

TPI Manchester – ESRC – Productivity in transition – an international comparative analysis of the twin transition, its enablers, and productivity implications

ESRC TPI.JPG01/03/2024 – 31/08/2025
The digital and green transitions are major structural transformations that are likely to shape the future of the economy with substantial implications for productivity. This project aims to explore the relationships between the digital and net-zero transitions, on the one hand, and between this dual transition and productivity and business growth, on the other.

How Strategic Actors Shape the Future of Extended Reality.

Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) 01/03/2024-28/02/2027 National Research Agency (NRA): This research project explores the complex mechanisms of emerging markets in the dynamic field of extended reality (XR). We examine how companies navigate between opportunities and challenges to shape the future of XR. ANR funded over three years, we collaborate with the University of St. Gallen to identify the strategies and tactics that companies employ in emerging XR markets. We investigate how to create value for customers, stakeholders, and society and develop innovations that help them gain a competitive advantage. More information on ANR Metavation. More information on NRA Metavation

PUI FITInnovE – Filières impact interfaces transformations transversalité transitions territoires pour l’innovation et l’entrepreneuriat

France 2030.jpg2024-2027 

The aim of the University Innovation Poles (PUI) is to significantly increase the socio-economic impact of public research in France by 2027. This ambitious policy, financed to the tune of 165 million euros as part of France 2030, will accelerate the use of research results for the benefit of society and the economy. 
FITInnovE aims to increase the number of partnership research contracts by 30%, the number of exploitation contracts by 50% and the number of start-ups created by 100%. 
The ambition of FITInnovE, supported by the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA), is to respond to the challenges posed by a world undergoing deep change: ecological, digital and social transitions, the need to revive the economy after a major pandemic crisis, geopolitical instability and change, and the challenge of sovereignty in several strategic sectors.
GEM is one of 15 partners in the region working together to intensify and accelerate the innovation dynamic.

Completed projects

Catching-Up along the Global Value Chain

Logo Horizon 202001/05/2018-30/04/2024 - UE 
H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 - H2020 CATCHAIN



Helping women entrepreneurs manage the growth of their innovative SMEs

Logos Ministères01/01/2022-31/12/2023
Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires Etrangères / Consulat Général de France au Québec - Programme Samuel de Champlain



AI-Bility: Cultivating AI Awareness in Schoolchildren

Logo Erasmus01/11/2021 - 31/10/2023
Further information


Smart Tools for Railway work safEty and performAnce iMprovement

Logo Horizon 202001/12/2020 - 31/07/2023
S2RJU-2020 - S2R-OC-IP3-03-2020                       Advanced tools and equipment: collaborative robots & wearable mobile machines
H2020 - STREAM




Updated 8/29/2024