Deux personnes étudient un dossier

Professionalization Contract - Work-Study

The Professionalization Contract combines the acquisition of theoretical knowledge in the classroom with the acquisition of practical know-how within a company. It is a full-time fixed-term or open-ended employment contract.

Pro-A Scheme I Personal Training Account (CPF in French) I Pro Transition Project (PTP) I Skills Development Plan I Professionalization Contract - Work Study 


Who Can Benefit?

  • Young people aged 16 to 25 
  • Jobseekers aged 26 and over 
  • Recipients of the  active solidarity income (RSA in French), the specific solidarity allowance (ASS in French), or the disabled adult allowance (AAH in French).


Which Employers?

All employers liable for financing continuing vocational training



At least 80% of the minimum wage or the collective minimum


For Which Qualification?

The training must prepare students to obtain: 

  • A diploma, professional title, or certification registered in the Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP) 
  • A Certificate of Professional Qualification (CQP) recognized in the classifications of a national industry collective agreement 
  • A qualification recognized in the classifications of a national industry collective agreement.


What Type of Contract and for How Long?

  • Between 6 and 12 months
  • Maximum duration of 36 months for certain priority groups: 
  • Recipients of minimum social benefits
    • People who have benefited from a single integration contract (CUI)
    • Young people aged 16 to 25 who have not completed upper secondary education and do not have a technological or vocational diploma
    • Young people aged 16 to 25 and jobseekers aged 26 and over, provided they have been registered on the jobseekers' list for more than a year. 
    • The duration of in-house training must be between 15% and 25% of the total duration of the contract, but must not be less than 150 hours.

More information is available on the Ministry of Labor website (in French).

Updated 4/8/2024