As of January 1, 2019, the Pro-A scheme replaces and modifies the period of professionalization. Its aim is to promote the retention and development of certain employees through training programs that alternate theoretical and practical instruction.
Pro-A Scheme I Personal Training Account (CPF in French) I Pro Transition Project (PTP) I Skills Development Plan I Professionalization Contract - Wordk Study
Who can benefit?
- Employees must meet two criteria:
- Be on a permanent contract (CDI), part-time or full-time, or on a single permanent integration contract (CUI-CDI)
- Have a level of education lower than or equal to a bachelor's degree
Employee benefits
- Attain a diploma
- Validate a level of qualification lower than a bachelor's degree
- Develop your skills and employability
- On-the-job training during working hours while retaining pay and social security coverage
- Internal mobility or retraining
Which training courses?
For the Pro-A program, training must last at least 150 hours and lead to:
- A diploma, professional title, or certification registered with the National Directory of Professional Qualifications (RNCP in French)
- A Certificate of Professional Qualification (CQP or CQPI Certificat de Qualification Professionnelle in French) recognized in the classifications of a National Collective Bargaining Agreement (Convention Collective Nationale in French)
- Training courses to validate acquired experience (minimum duration of 150 hrs not required art. D6324-1 of the amended Labor Code)
- The knowledge and skills base (minimum duration of 150 hrs not required art. D6324-1 of the amended Labor Code)
- It lasts between 6 and 12 months and can extend up to 36 months for 16-25 year olds without secondary school diplomas or technological or vocational training.
- A minimum of 150 hours of training, representing between 15% and 25% of the total period.
More information is available on the Ministry of Labor and Public Service website (in French).
Updated 4/8/2024