
Health, Inclusion, Prevention

Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) is committed to equal opportunities as a mission-driven society: obtaining a diploma is not an end in itself but a step towards a fulfilling career. Health, inclusion, and prevention are among our focus points throughout students' lives at GEM.

We strive to ensure that every student can enjoy a peaceful education in an environment sensitive to diversity, and achieve a lasting professional integration that matches their aspirations and skills, whatever their situation.

The actions of the Health & Inclusion Service stem directly from GEM's commitment to the cause of Education for All/Equal Opportunities, for a fulfilling student life. 

Individualized support

We support all situations of disability, mental health, physical health and neurodiversity that have a significant temporary or permanent impact on the success of studies, throughout the schooling process, including corporate periods, from the start of the school year to the first job, with 4 missions:

  1. Facilitating schooling through course and exam accommodations
  2. Prepare students with disabilities for the realities of working life by helping them to understand and use technologies to compensate for their disability, and to express their needs in terms of solutions.
  3. Propose reasonable accommodations that are compatible with those that could be offered in the workplace
  4. Adapt assessment methods without compromising standards


Benefit from facilities

Contact the Health & Inclusion department as early as possible in the admissions process. Health-related information is treated confidentially. We only communicate with you about needs and accommodations.

Preferred partner companies Disability
These companies are committed to supporting disability at GEM. These partnerships finance accommodations for students with disabilities and awareness-raising projects run by the Health & Inclusion department: BPAura, BPIfrance, CGI Business Consulting, Sanofi, Schneider Electric, Wavestone, Groupe Seb.


Taking care of your mental and physical health

The Health & Well-being department welcomes students and organizes prevention and awareness campaigns and events. A remote psychological support unit is available 24/7, in 14 languages. 


Preventing and combating of gender-based violence

As a mission driven society, one of its objectives being "to act ethically and defend the physical and moral integrity of people by refusing any behavior or words that infringe on the rights, health and dignity of an individual, GEM has for several years been resolutely committed to the fight against student gender-based violence (GBV).

GEM's measures to combat GBV are a direct result of the school's fight against gender equality.

A driving force on these issues, GEM :

  • Signed a partnership agreement with the Grenoble public prosecutor's office, the Departmental Directorate of Public Security (in French Direction Départementale de la Sécurité Publique - DDSP), and the French Victims 38 Association. This agreement establishes a secure legal framework for handling reports of GBV experienced by students.
  • Signed a collaboration agreement with all student associations to work together on GBV : organization of awareness-raising events, designation of GBV referents within each association, and distribution of information materials to students.
  • Created a GBV Prevention Unit for GEM students. This unit has enabled the launch of the GBV reporting platform.
  • GEM offering its students "Care Line GEM for me": a psychological support hotline in 14 languages (free and confidential 24/7).
  • Every year, trains and raises awareness among its students about GBV issues, particularly at the start of the school year, but also through courses on behaviour in the workplace and psychosocial risks.
  • The Chair Women and Economic Renewal regularly publishes its work on the subject.
  • Produces an annual "barometer of sexism and violence against GEM students" (barometer produced by the Chair Women and Economic Renewal).
  • Every year, we offer exhibitions, workshops and reflections on the subject on the occasion of Women's Rights Day, as in 2021, 2020 and 2019, for example. 

Contact : Jeanne Renard - Legal officer

Updated 7/17/2024