Financial aid

Scholarships, work experience, bank offers, student jobs... Grenoble Ecole de Management is committed to helping you achieve your academic goals. Explore a range of possibilities for financing your studies, and find out how we can help you along the way and support you in your quest for success.

Financing your studies can be a major challenge for many students. Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM), in conjunction with its partners, can help you explore various solutions to help you finance and build your educational path.


Personalized advice

Support team

A financing support team works with students throughout the year to find appropriate solutions. 


GEM Financial Advisor tool

This dedicated financing tool provides information on the various solutions available. 

GEM Financial Advisor

The purpose of GEM Financial Advisor is threefold:

  1. Helping students and their parents plan for the financing of their studies and explore the various options available to them: loans, grants, work-study programs, jobs, etc.
  2. Offer a financing solution tailored to the student's needs
  3. Explain the financial vocabulary and implications of each decision 





Depending on the student's profile, choice of specialization or track record of excellence, external scholarships to help finance studies may be applied for.  
CROUS state scholarships: awarded on the basis of social criteria

  • Jacques Lambert grant: for equal opportunities in higher education
  • DFCG scholarships: for students specializing in Finance
  • PROPULSEO scholarship: mentoring and study grant

To find out about all the scholarships available and how to apply, respond to the GEM Financial Advisor Chatbot by choosing "Scholarships" in the solution category you are looking for.


Mobility grants

  • Bourse Régionale de Mobilité Internationale (BRMIE): a grant from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region for students undertaking an international mobility program: an exchange period in a partner university or an internship in an international company.
  • ERASMUS+: European Commission grant for students wishing to spend part of their studies at a European partner university that has signed the Erasmus charter.


Banking offers

It is often necessary to take out a loan to finance your studies. To find out which partner banks offer loan conditions specially designed for GEM students, go to the GEM Financial Advisor Chatbot and select "loan assistance" in the solution category you are looking for.


Professional experience

  • Internships: long-term internships during your studies are paid.
  • Alternance: tuition fees are paid by the company and the student receives a salary. 

Find out more about work-study programs


Student jobs

Grenoble Ecole de Management's AMD Job Service association offers GEM students the chance to carry out a variety of paid assignments.  
There are several platforms where you can find a part-time job while still a student, such as Jobaviz, Studentjob or StaffMe.

Updated 7/25/2024