Discover apprenticeship

Since 2020, Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) has had its own apprentice training center (CFA in French) and offers its students and partner companies apprenticeship and professionalization contracts for courses eligible for these schemes.

Courses with apprenticeships contract Courses with vocational training contracts I Your apprenticeship contact I Our commitments

For several years now, Grenoble Ecole de Management has offered a number of apprenticeship and professional training programs. 

The work-study scheme enables

  • our students to benefit from professional experience,
  • partner companies to benefit from the skills they need to grow their business,
  • students and companies to benefit from favorable financing.

Work-study programs at GEM in figures

  • 1100+ apprenticeship contracts by 2022
  • + Over 600 partner companies - 92% of graduates (source Class of 2021: PGE / Purchasing / Energy / Bio / MNSI / MTI)

3 key points for a sandwich course

  • Take the time to define your career plan, the skills you want to develop and the assignments you're looking for.
  • Take an active approach to finding a company, and remember to use the resources provided by your school (work-study offers, recruitment forums, etc.).
  • From company search to contract signature, stay in touch with the Grenoble Ecole de Management work-study team for personalized support.

Which contract?

Apprenticeship or professional training?

Both are full-time employment contracts that integrate training time with working hours. The student thus assumes the status of an alternating employee, with the same rights and obligations as any other company employee. Depending on the type of contract, the financial stakes for the company recruiting you are different, but you are guaranteed to be paid a legal minimum (see pay scales) and to have your tuition fees covered. For our training courses, the choice of contract type is at the discretion of the company.

Apprenticeship contract

An apprenticeship contract is a written agreement governed by private law. It can be of limited duration (CDL in French), lasting from 6 months to 3 years (4 years if the apprentice is disabled), or of indefinite duration (CDI in French).

To qualify, future apprentices must be under 30 when they sign the contract. Certain groups can enter apprenticeships over the age of 29: apprentices preparing for a diploma or qualification higher than the one obtained, disabled workers (no age limit), people planning to set up or take over a business, and top-level athletes (no age limit).

The apprentice alternates theoretical instruction at the apprentice training center with on-the-job training at the employing company, with the support of a company apprentice master. Apprentices are paid a percentage of the minimum wage. Find out more about the terms and conditions of the apprenticeship contract and its pay scale by consulting the government fact sheet.

Vocational training contract 

The vocational training contract (contrat de professionalization in French) is a work-study contract between a private-sector employer and an employee meeting certain criteria. It enables employees to acquire a professional qualification as part of their ongoing training. The vocational training contract must be in writing, and can be either fixed-term (CDD in French) or open-ended (CDI in French). The employee benefits from the support of a tutor within the employing company. The law imposes a minimum wage indexed to the minimum wage (Smic in French) for holders of a vocational training contract: this varies according to the employee's age and level of qualification. Find out more about the terms and conditions of the vocational training contract and the remuneration scale by consulting the government fact sheet.

Covering your tuition fees

Skills operators (OPCO) are responsible for financing apprenticeship and professionalization contracts, according to the funding levels set by the professional branches. The apprentice training center  of Grenoble Ecole de Management teams can help you with all questions relating to the financing of your work-study program.


Opt for a work-study program with Grenoble Ecole de Management - Page in French



Updated 4/25/2024