Transition Barometer

The aim of the Transitions Barometer is to find out about the practices, behaviors and representations of Grenoble's residents with regard to social issues, to enable institutions to take more effective action in terms of environmental policies and local public action.

Funded projects

The aim of this project, supported by Grenoble Alpes Métropole and ADEME, is to "take the pulse" of the territory, so as to act more effectively with local residents, particularly in terms of environmental policies and local public action.

The "Transitions Barometer" project enables 

  • Regularly survey residents of the metropolitan area on their perceptions of environmental issues, their behaviors, the levers for change, and the reception and impact of metropolitan interventions in this field.
  • Draw up profiles to better target the level and methods of public intervention: typologies by age/moment in life; socio-professional categories/income level; territory/housing type and urban/rural lifestyle...
  • Gather feedback on existing systems (public services, improvements, regulations, communication campaigns, etc.) or before they are put into service, in order to test their acceptability and the conditions for their success, depending on the profile.

In practical terms, surveys are used to supply 

  • A ground-zero assessment of the situation in metropolitan France with regard to the perception of environmental issues and behaviours in related fields;
  • An evaluation of the Grenoble Green Capital approach;
  • Evaluative surveys for the climate, air and energy plan
  • Shorter surveys on specific themes or approaches targeting specific changes, surveys co-constructed with metropolitan services, adjusted to current events, enabling us to better design or evaluate 

The Barometer in the media


Updated 5/7/2024