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Support transformations and empower managers

Digital technology, climate change, new management styles, customer orientation... Companies are facing profound transformations, which also require their managers to upgrade their skills. Grneoble Ecole de Management (GEM) supports them with tailor-made training programs offering a shared vision for teams, and combining technical and soft skills.

1. Support business transformation processes

Collaborateurs devant un écran numérique tactile

Companies today are facing rapid and far-reaching transformations. GEM designs tailor-made programs that give your managers the skills they need to take the measure and lead them over the long term.

Digital transformation

How to cope with the digital revolution? How to integrate data into your value creation? How to create a digital mindset within your team?

They put their trust in us to solve these problems: Samsung France, Groupe Renault...

Managerial transformation

How to develop a common managerial culture? How can we integrate customer relations into management practices? What solutions are needed to meet the needs of young employees who aspire to a different kind of management? How can new work practices be integrated into managerial reference frameworks?

They put their trust in us on these issues: Symbio (start-up), Orange, Groupama, Crédit Agricole ...

Innovation: products, services and processes

How to create a sustainable business model? How can we leverage collective intelligence and performance to develop a culture of intrapreneurship? How can you create a range of services around your products?...

They put their trust in us on these issues: Schneider, STMicroelectronics, Engie...

2. Develop managerial skills

Etudiants travaillant devant leur ordinateur

Your managers are the cornerstone of your performance. To drive your transformation processes, you need to develop their skills, get them to adhere to a shared vision, give meaning to change and develop their cross-functional and behavioral skills (soft-skills). We support your managers throughout the major stages of their careers.

How can we help your future managers adopt a leadership posture? How can you help your managers develop servant leadership skills? How to become an agile manager? How to develop, integrate and communicate strategic vision? How to support performance through management by meaning?

They put their trust in us to solve these problems: Engie FNAC, Michelin, Safran, VYV, CHU Grenoble...

Updated 1/18/2024