Etudiants - Students Grenoble Ecole de Management

Immersion and experimentation for better learning

Convinced that immersion and experimentation accelerate learning, the acquisition of skills and their implementation in companies, Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) has developed its own training tools. We rely on the GEM Learning Model. Whether in the classroom or at a distance: the active posture is key!

Convinced that immersion and experimentation accelerate learning, the acquisition of skills and their implementation in companies, GEM has developed its own training tools. We rely on the GEM Learning Model. Whether in the classroom or at a distance: the active posture is key!

Etudiants devant l'écran du Biz Lab de Grenoble Ecole de Management


Working on real-life cases

We use your strategic project and your business agenda to develop a customized training program, so that your employees' learning is more closely rooted in your issues. This formula mobilizes the collective intelligence of your teams, encouraging everyone to get involved and exchange views on concrete company issues.


Immersive experiences: platforms

Your teams enjoy immersive experiences that accelerate their learning in one of GEM Labs' phygital platforms, a 5,000 m2 building dedicated to champions of innovation:

  • The BIZ Lab and its connected devices - store, apartment, street and supermarket - offer different consumer experiences using emerging technologies (facial recognition, RFID, etc.).
  • The TIM Lab lets you explore the possibilities of experiential Design Thinking, to learn to think differently and bring technologies and uses together to create innovative products and services. It enables teams to solve complex problems.
  • The Playground favors a playful, hands-on approach to get your teams thinking about your issues. GEM also creates serious games specific to your training and your company: a unique offer that further strengthens participants' commitment.

More on GEM Labs

Inspired by the best 

Learning expeditions take your employees on visits to innovative companies and pilot sites, with the aim of understanding their mechanisms and drawing lessons that can be applied to your sector.

Conferences or round-table discussions with experts or exceptional personalities (top athletes, explorers, politicians, executives, etc.) can be organized to change your outlook and open up new perspectives.

Promote personal development: coaching, tutoring and mentoring

Getting to know yourself better is a key to individual and/or collective progress. That's why, depending on the situation, our trainers and coaches can use personal development tools such as : Agile Profile, Process Comm, DISC...

These tools can be complemented by three types of support:

  • Individual and sub-group coaching, to better understand areas for improvement in managerial postures, work on or implement an action plan, etc.
  • Tutoring to help participants carry out a training-related project, write a dissertation, prepare for an oral presentation before a jury, etc.
  • Co-development and mentoring between participants to tackle the more technical aspects of the program and encourage the transmission of knowledge.


Combine on site and distance learning seamlessly

Whatever your needs - multi-site, travel constraints... - GEM offers its training courses in face-to-face, remote or blended formats, thanks to its unique Hyflex solution, which guarantees learner immersion.

Updated 4/18/2024