Give concrete expression to your social commitments by supporting the projects of the GEM Foundation. Make a donation and join the circle of donors and corporate sponsors. Benefit from the associated tax and visibility advantages for your company.
It's easy to make a donation!
Thanks to your donation, you help students from modest backgrounds who are the talents of tomorrow, you support and participate in impact research on major issues, and you strengthen our social impact.
To make an online donation
If you live in the USA
You can benefit from the agreements with Friends of Fondation de France by making your donation online on the page dedicated to American residents:
Fondation Grenoble Ecole de Management - Friends of Fondation de France
Do you live in another country for tax purposes? Then contact us !
You can also: make a transfer directly to the GEM Foundation account, specifying your email address in the references:
Holder: Fond. Ecole Managt School business & society FONDATION DE France - 40 avenue Hoche - 75008 Paris Direct debit: HSBC FRANCE PARIS CBC 502
RIB: 30056 00502 0502 001 0511 17
IBAN: FR76 3005 6005 0205 0200 1051 117 BIC: CCFRFRPP
Tax benefits
The GEM Foundation is sheltered by the Fondation de France, which is recognized as a public utility.
Your donation is eligible for tax benefits under article 238 bis of the French General Tax Code.
- 60% of the donation is tax-deductible, up to a maximum of 0.5% of sales. For a donation of 50,000 euros, the cost to your company is 20,000 euros after deduction.
- The Fondation de France has formed partnerships with Transnational Giving Europe (some 20 European countries) and Friends of Fondation de France (USA) to encourage cross-border corporate philanthropy.
Individual donors
- 66% of the amount of your donation is deductible from your income tax, up to a limit of 20% of your taxable income.
Your donation of 1,000 euros will only cost you 340 euros after deduction. - 75% of the amount of the donation is deductible from the Impôt sur la fortune immobilière (IFI), up to a maximum deduction of 50,000 euros.
Your donation of 1,000 euros costs only 250 euros after deduction.
Other support
Companies can also support the School by donating their apprenticeship tax to GEM.

GEM Foundation
The GEM Foundation, housed within the Fondation de France, represents the societal commitment of Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM), the first management school to become a mission-driven company. Since 2016, we have collectively worked, with the support of sponsors and donors, to develop projects of public interest.
Research chairs
Participate in a research chair of Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) enables managers and employees to develop their collective intelligence to help the company grow, and to contribute to a profound transformation of society. It also means taking a concrete part in the challenges of tomorrow, and in forward-looking work on the tools, professions and skills needed to support major transitions.Updated 8/29/2024