GEM Sélmard devanture

Support GEM Foundation

Inclusion, the prevention of all forms of discrimination and precariousness among students, research and innovation: the Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) Foundation invites you to get involved.

Today, you can join the club of corporate philanthropist partners, but also encourage your employees to donate individually, and benefit from all the associated tax advantages.

A mission of general interest

Today, we are offering you the opportunity to demonstrate your commitment, and that of your organization, to issues that impact society as a whole: inclusion, excellence scholarships, women's entrepreneurship, digital transformation, healthcare, energy, regional transitions...

Thanks to the generosity and commitment of our donors and sponsors, the GEM Foundation's actions benefit companies, students and all the School's stakeholders.

A foundation sheltered by the Fondation de France

The GEM Foundation is sheltered by the Fondation de France, the leading philanthropic network in France.


Find out more about the achievements of the GEM Fondation.

Updated 1/18/2024