Depending on the type of contract - apprenticeship or professionalization - the financial stakes for the recruiting company will differ.
The Apprenticeship Contract
It's an essential part of the work-study system. It is financed by the apprenticeship tax paid by companies. It is therefore reserved for companies paying taxes in France.
Tuition fees are fully paid by the host company.
Depending on the professional sector, the contract cost is centralized by France Compétences, leaving a variable balance of tuition fees to be paid by companies.
The apprentice's salary is a percentage of the minimum wage (SMIC in French) or the minimum collective bargaining agreement, according to a grid established by the legislator.
More information on the Service Public website (in French).
Professionalization Contract
This is part of the work-study system. In this case, the Skills Operators (OPCO in French) contribute to the training costs. The average contribution is €9.15/hour of training.
In this case, the company finances the remainder. Tuition fees are fully paid by the host company.
The apprentice's salary is a percentage of the minimum wage (SMIC in French) or of the minimum collective bargaining agreement (Minimum Conventionnel), according to a grid established by the legislator.
More information on the Service Public website.
Updated 4/25/2024