etudiants juniors - junior students

How to pay your tax to GEM

Transfer 13% of your apprenticeship tax to GEM in 4 key steps. The Soltéa platform allows you to allocate your tax to the institution you wish to support.

Pay your tax on the Soltéa platform

You can allocate 13% of your apprenticeship tax starting from May 27, 2024, through the Soltéa platform. Direct payments to the institution for the remaining apprenticeship tax (via bank transfer, check, or credit card) are no longer possible. Follow these 4 key steps for a simple and fast payment.


4 key steps

You do not have an employer account on the Soltéa platform

  1. Register on Net-entreprises, which will provide you with the credentials to create your employer account on the Soltéa platform.
  2. Create an employer account on the Soltéa platform using your Net-entreprises credentials.
  3. Search for Grenoble Ecole de Management using the platform's search engine and select GEM using its SIRET number 81738914100018.
  4. Allocate the percentage of your choice to Grenoble Ecole de Management.


You have an employer account on the Soltéa platform

  1. Log in with your Net-entreprises credentials on the Soltéa platform.
  2. Search for Grenoble Ecole de Management using the platform's search engine and select GEM using its SIRET number 81738914100018.
  3. Allocate the percentage of your choice to Grenoble Ecole de Management

Updated 4/29/2024