un groupe d'étudiants juniors en classe à GEM

Our Undergraduate & Postgraduate programs

Explore our Undergraduate and Postgraduate programs and find the one that is right for you in a European top ranked Business School.

Join a triple-accredited, internationally recognized Business school.
Study in English alongside students up to 120 different nationalities on our campuses in Grenoble and Paris
Choose between a full-time or work-study format and connect to a network of 47,000 graduates worldwide

picto_campus_20px.png   Grenoble or Paris

picto_rythme_20px.png  Full-time and work-study format

picto_langue_20px.png  English


International BBA 

etudiants Bachelor

Discover our International BBA :
International Bachelor in Business Administration 

Learn management, international business, marketing, foreign languages and gain hands-on professional experience trough internships and work-study.  
Entry requirements: High School Diploma or equivalent for year 1
Level : 4-year Undergraduate degree

Master in Management - Grande Ecole Program

etudiants PGE

Discover our Grande Ecole Program
Master in Management - Grande Ecole Program 

Master all the fundamentals of business before specializing in the field of your choice: finance, consulting, marketing, sales, innovation, CSR...  
Entry requirements : Bachelor's degree  
Level : Master's degree 


Master of Science programs


Open the door to your international career by specializing in an field of expertise with a worldwide recognized diploma.  
Entry requirements : 3-year degree to 4-year degree  
Level : Master's degree

Discover our 17 MSc programs:

Finance, Auditing & Accounting:

MSc Finance and Investment Banking 

MSc Financial Markets 

MSc Sustainable Financial Management 

MSc Accounting, Auditing & Performance Management 

Marketing & Business Development:

MSc Marketing Strategy 

MSc International Marketing & Business Development 

Digital, Data, AI:

MSc Digital Marketing & Data Analytics 

MSc Managing with Data and Artificial Intelligence 

International Management:

MSc Management in International Business (MIB)

MSc International Human Resource Management 

MSc International Project Management 

Sector Expertise:

MSc Fashion, Design and Luxury Management

MSc in Management of Sport and Outdoor Markets

Sustainability & Transitions:

MSc Management for Sustainability Transitions

MSc Energy Business & Climate Strategy 


MSc Innovation and Entrepreneurship 

MSc Design & Innovation Management


Advanced Master


Develop cutting-edge expertise and aim for positions of responsibility.   
Entry requirements : Bachelor's degree + 3 years of work experience or Master’s degree  
Level : Master's degree  

Discover our Advanced Masters:

Advanced Master in Energy Transition Marketing and Management

Advanced Master in Technology Management and Responsible Innovation

Advanced Master in Big Data

Advanced Master in Digital Strategy Management

Master in Digital Management and Information System

Advanced Master in Biomedical Management  




Discover our MBA:
Master of Business Administration 

Become a change leader where innovation, sustainability, and hands-on learning converge in an international environment.  
Entry requirements : 3-year degree to Master's degree or more + min. 3 years of work experience  
Level : Master's degree 




Discover our DBA:
Doctorate in Business Administration - DBA

Join a 3-year, part-time, internationally recognized doctoral program designed for business leaders and academics looking to advance their careers through research-driven solutions.  
Entry requirements : Master's degree + min. 5 years of professoinnal experience  
Level : Doctorate in Business Administration


They talk about their experience

Heema PAtel, MSc Finance Alumnus The MSc Finance has helped me build a solid foundation of knowledge which I am able to apply practically in my current job, literally on a daily basis. This program has played a pivotal role in my career.   

Heema Patel  
MSc Finance 2021 Graduate  
Credit Strategy Associate at Bloomberg LP 


Maurice Habanbo.pngThe high-caliber faculty at GEM, and overall program structure made the MBA journey exciting, empowering, and fun!  GEM’s reputation positively influenced my job search.   

Maurice Habanbo   
MBA 2023 Graduate  
Senior Procurement & Contracts Manager, Turner & Townsend


Updated 10/11/2024