Master in Management for high-level athletes (Grande Ecole Program)

  • Athlete-friendly
  • 3 years to 5 years
  • Online / hybrid
  • French

Unique in France, our training programs dedicated to high-level athletes (HLA) enable them to live their sporting career to the full while pursuing higher education. Our distance learning program is fully adapted to the life of a high-level athlete. So you can reconcile your sporting ambitions with your studies.

Join the Master in Management - Grande Ecole Program after a preparatory course or with 2/3/4 years of higher education (in France: BUT, Licence, BTS, Bachelor, Master 1...). This Master's degree enables you to master all the fundamentals of business and management, then specialize in the field of your choice: finance, consulting, marketing, auditing, sales, innovation, digital, CSR, sports, events...

Thanks to personalized support, adapted training methods and a dual project co-constructed with the sports structure (club, federation, team...), athletes can prepare for their "after" with peace of mind. As a high-level athlete, you'll benefit from a stimulating environment and personalized support to help you achieve your academic and sporting goals. 


Course strengths

Personalized support

  • A rhythm adapted to the constraints of high-level athletes (duration and adjustments)
  • Personalized student follow-up with a dedicated coordinator throughout the course
  • Weekly interaction with teachers and the class
  • A dedicated teaching team (course facilitation, online interaction, videoconferencing...) 

The right tools

  • 100% distance learning
  • Courses available 24/7 via e-learning

The support of a network 

  • An internal network with 170 HLA students currently in training
  • An attachment to a promotion
  • 1 integration seminar and 1 seminar per year in Grenoble: cohesion, interactive courses, end-of-year exams.
  • An alumni network : GEM Alumni (over 300 HLA students and 45,000 alumni)  


  • 3 training periods, adaptable to sporting constraints.
  • Support from the coach center to reflect on your professional project
  • Career center support to help you with search tools and strategy



Our aim is to train you in the fundamentals of business management and to develop the knowledge and skills you need for your professional project, in line with your aspirations and the expectations of companies and society at large.


Target skills

  • Use critical thinking to solve complex problems    
  • Entrepreneurial skills and creativity    
  • Adapt, evolve and cooperate in a culturally different environment    
  • Think and decide in a responsible and sustainable perspective  
  • Understand the impact of technology and implement an innovation process    
  • Work as a team and mobilize around a common cause    
  • Effective oral and written communication    

Find out more about the skills targeted by this program on France Compétences, sheet no. 34762 (In French)

In this way, you'll be ready to evolve in a changing world and become solid, autonomous, enlightened and responsible pillars with a strong critical mind for the companies that recruit you - whatever your profession, sector or country.  


Diplomas and accreditations

Accréditation Grade Master Grenoble Ecole de Management

Updated 1/21/2025