Bachelor Digital and Business Development

  • Mixed rythm
  • 1 year to 3 years
  • Grenoble or Paris
  • French

Join our Bachelor's program after one or no year of higher education in Paris or Grenoble. Earn an Undergraduate degree and become a customer relations or digital marketing manager, or continue your studies at Master's level. Internships, work- study abroad are included in this program. Students all have access to the School's network and services.

International students: for any questions, please contact our International Recruitment Officers         

Student with a French Baccalaureate: You can still join one of our bachelors with the "phase complémentaire" on parcoursup". Join our live or visit our pages dedicated.   

More informations about the phase complémentaire on Parcoursup

Visit the Grenoble campus - 5 July, 2pm


Course strengths

This program will enable you to :

  • Gain extensive work experience: a minimum of 16 months in the workplace (two internships, 1-year work-study program, company visits, masterclasses, etc.).
  • Open your horizons: 2 to 4 months abroad and two foreign languages are compulsory.
  • Test and experiment through innovative teaching methods and project management
  • Get to know yourself and get support in drawing up your career plan
  • Benefit from unlimited career coaching during and after your studies at Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM): personalized advice from coaches, recruitment events, help with your internship and job search, access to the GEM job website with thousands of internships, work-study and job offers from our corporate partners.
  • Join our network of 45,000 alumni



Our Bachelor's degree in "Digital and Business Development" aims to train multi-skilled generalist managers with a genuine business culture, capable of evolving within sales, marketing and digital functions, in all types of structures and business sectors.


Targeted skills

Upon completion, students will be able to :

  • Analyze a company's strategic positioning
  • Operationalize sales and marketing strategy activities
  • Deploy collaborative work and project management practices
  • Manage a sales or marketing development project in a digital context
  • Mobilize decision-making and performance monitoring tools

One day with Juliana, a GEM's Bachelor Digital et Business Development student - in French  


The Bachelor Digital et Business Development in 3 minutes with Agnès Plessis-Brandi, Program Director - in French

Diplomas and accreditations

Bachelor grade with Grade de Licence delivered by Grenoble Ecole de Management.
Name of certification in RNCP: DipViGrL - Diplôme supérieur en développement digital et commercial.
Sheet RNCP  n° 38755 (last registered :  12/02/2024)

Accréditation CEFDG Grenoble Ecole de ManagementAccréditation France Competences Grenoble Ecole de ManagementDiplome visé controé par l'étatDiplome conférant grade de licence par l'état

Updated 7/25/2024