Thomas Gillier

Associate Professor

DepartmentManagement & Technology


Thomas Gillier is associate professor at Grenoble Ecole de Management. Thomas is a Fulbright Research Scholar (2021). Thomas has developed and taught courses on (1) creativity and innovation management and, (2) technology entrepreneurship for both undergraduate, specialized masters and executive teaching programs at GEM.

In his research, Thomas explores the process of creativity in collaborative and distributed contexts such as open innovation, crowdsourcing, open science and open foresight. Thomas specifically studies the generative and receptive side of creativity. Thomas examines how individuals and teams generate, evaluate, promote and elaborate new ideas in organizations. Inspired by recent research advances in cognitive/social psychology and design theories, Thomas seeks to reveal novel creative thinking processes that depart from the traditional divergence/convergence model of creativity. Among others, Thomas is interested in creative contexts where people develop visionary concepts and explore new knowledge. Thomas’ research works rely both on qualitative and quantitative research methods, he has conducted research projects with several high tech and innovative firms in France such as Renault and CEA.

Thomas is member of the editorial board of Creativity and Innovation Management and European Management Review, he is involved in the scientific committee of the Innovation and Product Development Management conference. His research findings appear in several top management journals such as Academy of Management Discoveries, Research Policy, Journal of Product Innovation Management, European Management Review and general management magazines including Harvard Business Review. Thomas Gillier and has been visiting several universities such as at Babson College (USA), Mines Paris Tech (France), LBG Open Innovation in Science Center (Austria), MIT Innovation Lab (USA) and Rotterdam School of Management (Netherlands).

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