Daniel Ray

Enseignant-Chercheur-Consultant En Marketing



Daniel Ray is a marketing professor and the director of the Customer Equity Institute at Grenoble Ecole de Management. For the past twenty years, he has worked on issues related to customer equity and technological innovation marketing. His varied professional background (TNS-Sofres, Ernst & Young…) and experience as a consultant for the decision-makers and marketing departments of various companies (Décathlon, EDF, Michelin, Salomon, Schneider…) on the implementation and/or redesigning of complaint, satisfaction and customer loyalty policies have enabled him to gain a thorough understanding of these issues. Oft-heard at seminars and conferences at which he appears as a guest speaker, Daniel is also the author of different publications, be it research articles in academic journals (Recherche et Applications en Marketing, Revue Française du Marketing), contributions to international symposiums, or pedagogical articles and teaching materials. His book « Mesurer et développer la satisfaction clients », (Editions d’Organisation, 2001, 400 p) was awarded two prizes in 2002.