2024 back-to-school challenge: making the invisible visible in the service of the SDGs

  • From September 18 09:00 AM to September 25 07:00 PM (Paris time)

A new kind of educational immersion: this is what awaits the 600 1st-year students in the Grande Ecole Program at Grenoble Ecole Management (GEM) from September 18 for 8 days, which GEM is offering with its Défi de la Rentrée 2024.

making the invisible visible in the service of the SDGs*

Since 2018, the Défi de la rentrée has been the flagship event at the start of the year for first-year students on GEM's Grande Ecole Program.  

600 students grouped into 16 teams will propose an innovative concept combining a product or service from their daily lives, one or two technologies from the local ecosystem related to image capture and/or screens/displays as well as AI,.




Objectif :

Résoudre un problème, un besoin ou un désir tout en contribuant significativement à un ou deux enjeux de développement durable.



Solve a problem, a need or a desire while making a significant contribution to one or two sustainable development issues.

Wednesday, Sept 18

The day will begin with a lecture followed by a presentation of the Eco créanov method. The afternoon will be devoted to group work, then at the end of the day, a conference on artificial intelligence will take place in Grenoble, organized by Miai and the Innovation Office, with the participation of Minalogic.

Jeudi 19 sept

Morning lecture, followed by a presentation of the challenge, the companies and the sub-groups. In the afternoon, students work in groups. 
Finally, there will be a Thursday CDOS conference hosted by IRT, Advisia and Aledia, with GEM professor Hélène Michel presenting case studies.

Friday, Sept 20

In the morning, a class will prepare students for Monday's project presentation. The afternoon is reserved for group work.

Monday, Sept 23

In the morning, students will attend a lecture followed by the presentation of use cases in sub-groups. In the afternoon, they will continue their group work with the participation of Grenoble INP students. At the end of the day, a lecture will be given by a GEM graduate on frugal computing.

Tuesday 24th Sept

The morning will be devoted to working on the presentation of use cases. In the afternoon, students finish their projects in groups. At the end of the day, they will attend a conference on the rebound effect.

Wednesday, Sept 25

The day begins with an amphitheater presentation of the 16 use case sketches to the jury and the student body. 
They will then present 8 of the use cases with their 4 deliverables to the jury. 
In the afternoon and at the end of the day, the awards ceremony will bring the program to a close.

Conferences will be open for registration in the coming weeks

* The SDGs, or Sustainable Development Goals, are a set of 17 global objectives established by the United Nations (UN) as part of its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. They aim to address pressing global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. They constitute a global framework aimed at mobilizing the efforts of all countries and stakeholders to build a better future for all, by integrating the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development.

  • Master in Management - Grande Ecole Program

Programs and registrations